Ettie Rutherford is an educator and transformational speaker who has consistently highlighted the need for women of all ages to use their strengths to set priorities and attain their goals. Through her writing, speaking and workshop presentations she provides women with the strategies and skills that will enable them to reach their highest potential.

Monday 28 November 2011

What's the Time?

What’s the Time?
With Christmas approaching women are already realizing the added tasks which will  seriously tax their   time- management skills. For those of us who want to maintain our sanity we need to take a close look at some of the beliefs which have held us captive to the “one-more-thing- on- my- plate” syndrome.

Let us look carefully on the following:

 Excuses for Poor Time Management

        - I do not have enough time to do everything

- Multi-tasking makes me more efficient

- Technology simplifies my life

- Getting it all done will make me happy

- Working double time is the only way I’ll get ahead

- I have to be busy for my family

-I have to catch up financially

-My family and friends expect me to be always busy helping them

Are you guilty or not guilty?

**Next week we will look at some of the strategies that will assist us to improve our time-management practices and allow us to enjoy the holidays with more focus and less stress. Until then….Keep soaring!


1 comment:

  1. Ettie, what wise advice! I am guilty of some of your statements :( As my sister-in-law told me today, it is not more stuff that we want from family and friends during the holiday, but rather more time with loved ones.
