Ettie Rutherford is an educator and transformational speaker who has consistently highlighted the need for women of all ages to use their strengths to set priorities and attain their goals. Through her writing, speaking and workshop presentations she provides women with the strategies and skills that will enable them to reach their highest potential.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Keep Soaring

The journey I am now taking is a culmination of everything that I have been doing for many years. I have always been passionate about working to assist women to realize their dreams, to work together and    learn from each other. Starting Women Are Worthy ,as an offshoot of my consulting business , has enabled me to take a good look regarding how I want to use my gifts, where I want to spend my time, and the channels by which I need to improve my service to women. The answer is clear. I must be willing to learn as much as I teach. I must be willing to listen as much as I speak. My commitment is to improve myself and carve a path to assist women to soar like eagles.
My book,”Why Perch Like a Chick When You Can Soar Like an Eagle? ” will be published in the New Year. Please join me on my journey.

We need to remember: Our past does not dictate our future. We must use our challenges as the wind beneath our wings.

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